Drunken Fool
Drunken Fool
Words & Music by: Debra Lyn & Jeff Silverman
Debra Lyn Music/SESAC; Palette Songs/SESAC

“You’re not the man that I once knew who took my hand and promised to be true. You’re just a shadow in the dark of a lonely heart.”

“Drunken Fool” seems a bit more tongue in cheek, but is unfortunately a situation that many people can relate to. People suffer from substance abuse every day and in turn their families and loved ones also share in their suffering, hence the existence of AA and Al-Anon. It's an out of control situation with him being an absolute idiot, cheating right in front of not only her, but a bar full of people that also think the guy is a major jerk. As he battles his addiction in his “home away from home,” she takes his keys and makes it very clear that she’s tired of living this life. In the end she is the one saying that she doesn’t care anymore if he stays or leaves. The choice is his. And this immediately segues to “If I Never Wake Up Again.”

Well you made your choice and I took your keys
You’re at your home away from home away from me
I know that you don’t care if I stay or leave
I’m tired of talkin’ through your bottle of JD

You’re a drunken fool
And you get mean and you get cruel
I’ve lost so much I have no more to loose
‘cause you’re a drunken fool

So you make the choice – me or the whiskey
Is this really how you want your life to be
There’s not a word from you I can still believe
There’s nothing you can do to make this right with me


So listen to your friends – ‘cause misery loves company
Your life’s your own and what you do ain’t up to me
You know that I don’t care if you stay or leave
You know that what you choose will make the choice for me


You’re not the man that I once knew
who took my hand and promised to be true
You’re just a shadow in the dark of a lonely heart