Free spirit
“Free spirit” it’s an enthusiastic Christian song, flying across the sky into the world to spread the word in a high dimensional written Country-Rock style. Due to Amadeus unlimited imagination, it is expected and common to find in all his songs a beautiful element of a musical surprise. Unfortunately only seasoned composers will understand and appreciate the artist mind game deliberate intentions of reflecting the classical origins of Country music trough this song, which for many will be and probably remain just a nice tune. It is refreshing also rewarding to find the old European school of writing integrating so naturally in our deep roots of American country music. Realistically there are many great up lifting songs out there sending inspirational messages, but only few are delivering that build up energy lifting emotionally your spirit. Clear vocals, suitable tempo, major structure, crescendo harmonies implements almost academically the story lyrics creating all around a great piece of musical work that for sure it’s here to stay flying into the world bringing you the word. *****