Mary Jane
Mary Jane, I still love you
Everyday, I can’t have you
By my side, you’re on my mind

Mary Jane, can I see you
Once a day, I think I love you
By the way, I’m flying away yeah

Can I see you, by my side
And I just won’t fake it
Can I have you, on my mind
And I just can’t have it no no

Mary Jane, I still love you
Everyday, can I smoke you
Once a day, I’m off my mind

Mary Jane, I still love you
By the way, you still see me
Everyday, I’m flying away yeah

Can I have you by my side
And I just can’t take it
Can I see you on my right
And I just won’t have it
Why don’t I take every night
So I can just see you
I still love you, everyday
And I just won’t fake it no no

I can see you on my mind
And I just won’t take it
I can have you, all the time
And I just don’t like it
Would you hold me night by night
And I just won’t fake it
I still love you, all the time
And I just won’t take it

Mary Jane
Mary Jane
Mary Jane
Mary Jane
Mary Jane
You’re on my mind
You’re on my mind
I’m flying away
Mary Jane