The world whirls by at the speed of light
While I sit here still as a stone,
Mesmerized by a memory
Of leather silk and bone,
Far away from that dancing dream
Where glory cures all pain,
Singing "Everybody's well in our cosy little hell,
Washed clean by the acid rain.

He-male, female, we mail E-mail;
All we want is the fax, ma'am.
Logged in, fogged in, everybody jogged in;
We all run with the pack, man.
Tranqillized by that smiling face
Saying, "Nothing you can do.
There's nothing much to fear, so have another beer,
Sit back and enjoy the view."

Here at the end of history
We are surely not looking for sincerity
Or Capitalism with a human face
Or a pleasure we feel above the waist,
A leader or a lover that we can trust,
Or a star with brains any bigger than her bust,
A hero whose color isn't pink,
Or anything else to make us think,
No, no...

The wisdom of five thousand years
Says progress costs you pain,
Work and choices both so hard
To heal your soul and brain,
Ah, but we know how to have it all
With nothing much to pay.
The seventh generation's sacrifice,
That's just some other day.