Where My Mind Can Find Some Rest
Where My Mind Find Some Rest
Written by Donna Ulisse and Rick Stanley
Key of C

Beyond my disappointments where worry leaves me wasted
Lies a fertile garden and rows of unplowed peace
Where second chances linger waiting to be tasted
And dreams grow wild and fast as summer weeds

Hope lives ‘neath the shade trees
Where a soft wind cools regret
Silence flows like water
Where my mind find some rest

I should till the hard ground, dredge up all my longing
Turn the soil over on things that I don’t need
Sow some reassurance, let comfort fall upon me
Throw yesterday out on an aimless breeze

I should spend more time here in quiet contemplation
Reflect on every good thing, set my sorrows free
Roll in all this bounty with childlike jubilation
Let this garden thrive inside of me