The Block Island Light
The Block Island Light
By: J Crafton

This a story that was told to me in a New England bar
How the people off the coast would steel the riches from afar
They’d build their fires inward leading ships too close to land
Where they’d shatter on the rocks below and lie helpless in the sand

At the Block Island Light
At the Block Island Light

And all at once so helpless as they lay there in the rocks
Where some would drown and others killed before they made their docs
And there they’d lay their lives gave up with no way left to fight
And the pirates fell among them just to rob them in the night

At the Block Island Light
At the Block Island Light

And descendants of these miscreants are alive and well today
They hold the seats of power with our lives they toy and play
While they rob you blind for gasoline or tax you till your sore
And they take away our liberty just to help you feel secure

And these pirates take our lives away a dollar at a time
While they sock away their millions and we’re left to pinch the dime
And they hold the seats of power so we’ll never get a chance
While they pull the strings to all we need
And we’re helpless in the dance

At the Block Island Light
At the Block Island Light