May His Soul Rest in Peace
This next tune we’re gonna do culminates the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina down in New Orleans.
And this song is something I wrote for my dad, who was a victim of the storm
As we get to this tenth anniversary, I think about all those folks who couldn’t make it back to New Orleans, and also I think about what does it mean to be of a place and to be in a city and I think about this thought of black lives matter. And really, the only way that black lives can matter is if all lives matter, and only all lives can matter if black lives matter, and I think about folks like Emmit Till and Medgar Evers, think about Eric Garner, Trayvon martin, Dr. Martin Luther King, but I think about each and every one of us, and all the future we have together, and we need to know that ever life matters everywhere. Every soul is important.
And this song is entitled “May His Soul Rest in Peace”

Yeah, thank y’all. Thank y’all.