We R Drinking Tea
We've had just about enough of your talking
I guess we should have known
You were always in this for yourself
Selling hope and change and promise
Like a salesman on the phone
No one to blame but ourselves

Been following this parade for way too long
Nothing is clearer to see
The jig is up on this charade
Shout with me
We're not drinking your Kool Aid
We're drinking tea

Liberty not lethargy, rulers should be warned
We're fighting the good fight to be free
It's up to you, and me and you and me
From every rooftop shout
Don't tread on me

Cut from the cloth that we were made
Standing many millions strong
The jig is up on this charade
Shout with me
We're not drinking your Kool Aid
We're drinking tea

My country 'tis of thee
It's a land of liberty
From sea to shining sea!

Fooled us once, shame on you
Better think again, we have something to arrange
Listen up, make no mistake, let me be clear
You can keep that Hope, You can Keep the Change
Been following this parade for way too long
Nothing is clearer to see
The jig is up on this charade
Shout with me
We're not drinking your Kool Aid
We're drinking tea
We're drinking tea
We're drinking tea
We're drinking tea