When I initially wrote this song, I used the melody of "Over the Rainbow". After awhile, I changed it to my own original melody with the help of the Holy Spirit. I kept trying to come up with my own tune, but to no avail. Then late one night it came to me 'out of the blue', so to speak.

In case you aren't familiar with Holy Scripture (the Bible), some of the lyrics are taken from the Holy Bible. "No eye has seen no ear has heard, nor has it even dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love Him." That is how Holy Scripture describes Heaven.

I want people to realize there is life after death. This song speaks of Heaven. You need to know that Hell exists, too. Some people don't think so. They are wrong. The choice is yours, dear reader: Heaven or Hell. Be very careful because you will be in one or the other for eternity. Heaven is pure bliss in the presence of God. Hell is constant suffering without ever being able to see God. What would you rather experience forever? I know what my choice is.

[recording engineer - Robert Honablue]