This Is My Life
For some time I felt it was important to write a song about a very controversial topic -- euthanasia. This is pro-life in a different way. Not only am I opposed to abortion, which ends the life of an unborn human being. I am also against any person ending the life of someone who is having health issues. It's usually the elderly. There's also the controversial matter of assisted suicide. The procedure is not the same, but the end result is identical. In both cases, someone has ended another person's life. "Thou shalt not kill." That is a commandment of God. We are not allowed to end anyone's life, including our own. Yes, it's very difficult to watch a loved one undergoing pain. It's even more difficult to be the person suffering the pain. Let us remember what Jesus went through. We shall never suffer as much as He did -- the Innocent Lamb of God. Jesus never sinned. We are sinners. He had the Divine power to escape it all, but He chose to freely give up His life. When we suffer, Jesus gives us a share in His cross. Suffering can be redemptive. Offer it up for the benefit of other souls. Put it to good use.
I finally stopped procrastinating and got around to composing the song over a period of time, always writing the words at times when I was alone in my church. The melody came first, then I plugged the message into it. This is the only song where I didn't use someone else's melody first. The Holy Spirit gave it to me, you might say. (while I was driving my car) Then it took a long time to record this and finally get it online. The evil one played interference, I dare say. God always has the victory in the end, though.
I'm sure this would have a better sound quality if I had recorded it in a professional studio, as I did with most of the other songs. Since money is tighter than ever now, I had to ask a friend to do it for me. It's a bit better sounding than when my son recorded it at the house. Anyway, what's most important is the message. It's all about the message. :angel: