Does Joni Mitchell Ever Mow The Lawn
I am a musician of incredible success
I don’t have a day job, that’s successful I would guess
I ply my trade most night times when most other folks are free
I tour and I travel for a fee
When I pull into my driveway after many miles and treks
I hug and kiss my lovely wife and then we have some ... dinner
And then it’s time to make up for the time that I was gone
I've got a “honey-do” list that is very very long
The laundry has been piling up while I’ve been gallivanting
Those lilies by the Buddha are in need of some transplanting
My wife has been here working while I've been out there wandering
Still, some questions linger on that I have been a-pondering
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Does Joni Mitchell ever mow the lawn?
Now I would not compare myself to those iconic folks
Still I write my share of serious songs and tasteful jokes
Yet as I take the rotting food out to the compost heap
These thoughts into my subconscious do creep
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Does Joni Mitchell ever mow the lawn?
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Or water buckets for the plants, did Elvis ever fill one?
Not to mention schlepping, shopping, sorting out the bills
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So now you know my story, I do all that stuff and more
But I gladly pull my weight at home and sweetly sweep the floor
Yet every now and then as I unpack I often find
A curious thought meandering through an overactive mind…
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Does Joni Mitchell ever mow the lawn?