Having a baby it’s only natural
Woman’s body knows just what to do.
It’s not a problem... birth is natural
Woman’s body knows just what to do.
Homebirth... body knows what to do
Homebirth... let’s welcome this baby
Homebirth... love wrapped around you
Belly is swelling... prepare your birthing place
Doctors are one choice home is one too.
Low lights and lanterns or float in the water
This baby is coming when it wants to Homebirth...
Lighting the fire... warming the room
Making up the big bed, family’s home.
Children excited... grandparents waiting
Safe in your own home, babe will be soon. Homebirth...
Holding your partner... feeling the rushes
Mother watches over the mother in you.
Breathing through pain... following your path
Birthing baby yourself – Yes, you can too! Homebirth...
Midwife has knowledge
Baby has instinct
Woman’s body knows just what to do.
Waters have broken
Head is descending
Calm your mind, embrace your child to you. Homebirth...
Holding my baby... feeling the first breath
Tiny body knows just what to do
Baby’s so perfect everything’s worth it
Successful journey... celebrate true Homebirth...
Nine months of gestation, the next generation
My body is aching, long road ahead
Baby is growing and very soon knowing
Love springs complete from the family bed Homebirth...